12 September 2005

A Must-Hear Sermon!

This sermon comes from a missionary, Paul Washer, who passionately uncovers a deadly error common among those who call themselves Christians. Laura & I were in attendance in this meeting with our students from Malvern Baptist Church in the summer of 2002. "Scortched Ground" is all I can say folks. Please check out the link below (to my accountability partner's website) to see what I'm talking about.

Sermon by Paul Washer
Director, Heart Cry Missionary Society
July 26-27, 2002
Youth Evangelism Conference
Montgomery, AL

08 September 2005

"Seeker" Sensitivity & Centeredness

I highly recommend the following link to a good article related to the topic of "seeker" sensitivity. We are called to be "Seeker" sensitive; however, we must also remember that there is but 1 Seeker -- His name is God! Here is that link:


06 September 2005

A Concise Summary of the Sovereignty of God in Salvation

Please click on the following link to access a very helpful piece on the "Sovereignty" and "Providence" of God in salvation. The papers that the link will bring you to are used by permission of Desiring God Ministries.

