In closing, I’d like to provide you with a nice summary of the Biblical approach to ethics and ethical decision-making. The following words have been taken from a small pamphlet titled: What Is Christian Philosophy? (by John Robbins of The Trinity Foundation). Part of what is said below may come as a surprise or shock to you, but we must remember to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. There is no sphere or facet of our lives (as Believers) that is neutral or is to be left untouched by the comprehensive worldview set forth in the Scriptures. The Bible is authoritative on everything it touches; moreover (whether explicitly or implicitly), the Bible touches everything. All that I have written in the main article pertaining to the Christian’s stance on E.S.C.R. is to be interpreted in light of what comes below.
Biblical Approach to Ethics: We Ought to Obey God Rather Than Men!
"The Bible teaches that the distinction between right and wrong depends entirely upon the commands of God. There is no natural law that makes actions right or wrong, and matters of right and wrong certainly cannot be decided by majority vote. In the words of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, 'sin is any want [lack] of conformity unto or transgression of the law of God.' Were there no law of God, there would be no right or wrong.
This may be seen very clearly in God’s command to Adam not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Only the command of God made eating the fruit sin. It may also be seen in God’s command to Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. God’s command alone made the sacrifice right, and Abraham hastened to obey. Strange as it may sound to modern ears used to hearing so much about the right to life, the right to health, and the right to choose, the Bible says that natural rights and wrongs do not exist: Only God’s commands make some things right and other things wrong. In the Old Testament, it was a sin for the Jews to eat pork. Today, we can all enjoy bacon and eggs for breakfast. What makes killing a human being and eating pork right or wrong is not some quality inherent in men and pigs, but merely the divine command itself.
But What About Human Rights??
If we had rights because we are men--if our rights were natural and inalienable--then God himself would have to respect them. But God is sovereign. He is free to do with his creatures as he sees fit. So we do not have natural rights. That is good, for natural and inalienable rights are logically incompatible with punishment of any sort. Fines, for example, violate the inalienable right to property. Imprisonment violates the inalienable right to liberty. Execution violates the inalienable right to life. The natural right theory is logically incoherent at its foundation. Natural rights are logically incompatible with justice. The Biblical idea is not natural rights, but imputed rights. Only imputed rights, not intrinsic rights--natural and inalienable rights--are compatible with liberty and justice. And those rights are imputed by God.
All attempts to base ethics on some foundation other than the Bible fail. Natural law is a failure, because 'oughts' cannot be derived from 'ises.' In more formal language, the conclusion of an argument can contain no terms that are not found in its premises. Natural lawyers, who begin their arguments with statements about man and the universe, statements in the indicative mood, cannot end their arguments with statements in the imperative mood.
The major ethical theory competing with natural law theory today is utilitarianism. Utilitarianism tells us that the moral action is one that results in the greatest good for the greatest number. It furnishes an elaborate method for calculating the effects of choices. Unfortunately, utilitarianism is also a failure, for it not only commits the naturalistic fallacy of the natural lawyers, it requires a calculation that cannot be executed as well. We cannot know what is the greatest good for the greatest number.
The only logical basis for ethics is the revealed commands of God. They furnish us not only with the basic distinction between right and wrong, but with detailed instructions and practical examples of right and wrong. They actually assist us in living our daily lives. Secular attempts to provide an ethical system fail on both counts."
[try to begin mastering this way of thinking – ideas have consequences]
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