From the home page:
"Welcome to Reformation Ministries International. RMI exists to promote and defend Christianity as it is revealed in Scripture, and as it is systematically expressed in various statements of Reformation theology such as The Westminster Confession, The Belgic Confession, The Heidelberg Catechism, and The Canons of Dordt. Although some areas of this ministry are still at their early stages, RMI is already recognized by some as a strong and decisive voice in Christian theology and apologetics.
Vincent Cheung is the president of Reformation Ministries International. He is the author of more than twenty books and several hundred lectures on a wide range of topics in theology, philosophy, apologetics, and spirituality. Through his books and lectures, he is training Christians to understand, proclaim, defend, and practice the biblical worldview as a comprehensive and coherent system of thought revealed by God in Scripture. He and his wife, Denise, reside in Boston, Massachusetts.
For our main text on biblical doctrines, please consult our Systematic Theology. Our text on Christian philosophy is Ultimate Questions. Although these two books already include some of our teachings on apologetics, Presuppositional Confrontations is dedicated to further detailing our approach and its biblical basis. Related to apologetics, our answer to the so-called "problem of evil" appears in The Author of Sin, and Apologetics in Conversation introduces several important principles for doing apologetics in informal debates. For our introductory exposition of biblical law and ethics, please see The Sermon on the Mount. Then, Prayer and Revelation is an introduction to biblical spirituality and prayer, and The Ministry of the Word states our position on homiletical and educational theories.
Besides these and other texts, our publications include biblical commentaries, topical studies, and basic lessons in logic and argumentation. Our goal is to construct a library of works covering the whole spectrum of Christian thinking and living."
All of Vincent Cheung's books and articles can be downloaded for free (in PDF format if you have an Adobe Acrobat Reader) from www.rmiweb.org. Besides this, I strongly encourage you to read the daily posts at www.vincentcheung.com.
From the website:
"Reb Bradley, father of 6, is a pastor who ministers to the Body of Christ at large. Reb has been a radio counselor and talkshow host, and as a writer and national conference speaker he works diligently to strengthen the modern Christian family. He conducts seminars and teaches extensively on issues related to marriage, fatherhood, child training, and single Christian living. Reb is most noted for his book Child Training Tips: What I wish I knew when my children were young. Reb and his wife, Beverly, have taught all six of their children at home, with three now married and three still at home.
Beverly, Reb's wife and mother of 6, devotes herself to raising her children, and allows time to disciple wives and mothers according to Titus 2:4-5. She is a powerful communicator, and a popular keynote speaker at women's gatherings. Committed to teaching the Word of God without compromise, she speaks with sensitivity, humor, and biblical wisdom in addressing issues related to motherhood, marriage, and home schooling. Her frank, transparent style leaves her listeners challenged, yet hopeful in their walks with Christ. Many, in fact, have described Bev's ministry as absolutely life-changing.
As an outgrowth of his speaking ministry, in 1993 Reb founded FAMILY MINISTRIES, an organization which distributes family-strengthening tapes and books, and coordinates his conference ministry. It is a non-profit ministry supported by donations and proceeds from product sales."
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