. . . On the Nature of True Saving Faith . . .[pt. 1]
("Faith ALONE saves, but the faith that saves IS NEVER ALONE!")
I don’t know about you, but I truly believe that American Evangelicals have missed the boat entirely whereas the nature of true Biblical salvation is concerned. As far as I can see, this issue rests (at least in part) upon an overemphasis on a questionable teaching that we will call "Carnal Christianity." By "Carnal Christianity," I am referring to the popular and appealing (but historically recent – say 50-60 years) notion that one can be truly regenerate/"saved" and not show the slightest hint of that throughout their lifetimes . . . & still get heaven upon departing this life. This is false, at least in my estimation.
The foundational problem is our understanding of "conversion" as a mere human decision (on this view, one could choose not to grow or, better yet, to remove themselves from the saving grip of God) instead of a supernatural working of God whereby the very NATURE of the individual is changed.Make no mistake about it – one becomes a child of God through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit! The "heart of stone" (which is unresponsive to God) is removed and replaced with a "heart of flesh" (that responds to God). Before conversion, one is inclined to the things of the flesh and sin. After conversion, one is given to the things of the Spirit and holiness. The notion that we have any sort of freedom apart from the governance of God is not a Biblical concept, for it is in Him that we live, move, and have our being. We do not simply adopt a new set of rules and force ourselves to live by them, but rather we become a "new creature" that DESIRES a new set of rules according to the very nature, character, and will of God.
The references to "carnality" are to be explained in their context:
1. It should never be denied that: [a] all new believers must grow from carnality and immaturity into a spiritual and mature walk with Christ; [b] even mature believers may act carnally and immaturely.
2. What is to be denied is that a truly "regenerated" person can live in a constant state of carnality without growth to maturity and the bearing of fruit – this is the popular (but Biblically absent) doctrine of the "Carnal Christian" that has done so much damage to the Church (especially in the U.S.A.).
3. Many of the "Christians" in Corinth were indeed acting in the flesh. Paul attacks this problem in 2 ways: [a] 1st, he admonishes them that believers are not to act in such a way; [b] 2nd, he warns them that if they CONTINUE in the flesh WITHOUT REPENTANCE, it could very well be the evidence that many of them are still "unregenerate" (2 Corinthians 13:5).
4. Many true Believers are indeed delayed in the process; & not all progress at the same rate or pass away at the exact same mark (we know this from the rewards system in heaven) . . . but, a huge distinction must be made between delayed growth & no growth at all.
The teaching of the Scriptures is clear – the genuine Christian will walk in the way of the Lord or on the "narrow path" (Matthew 7), not because of his greater will or discipline, but because God has made that person into a new creation for His glory. John Piper once stated that "the Christian disciple serves Christ Jesus in the power with which he or she is served BY Christ Jesus"; furthermore, Christ is not the lucky beneficiary of His trusted Christian benefactors. Christ Jesus is the Initiator and He thus gets ALL of the glory, for from Him and through Him and to Him are all things forever and ever, amen. When the true Believer steps off the "path," he is "convicted" and even "disciplined" by a loving/caring Father (Hebrews 12:5-11) until he returns. If a "professing" Christian steps off the path and begins to bear the fruit of the unbeliever, he can have no assurance of ever being saved/rescued. If he returns to the path, then this is a confirmation of his salvation and the foundation of his assurance. If he does not return to the path, it is a great evidence of his "unregenerate state."To say that a true Believer's life can be consistently characterized by an unrepentant, happy-as-you-sin-regardless pattern is foreign to the testimony of much Scripture.
Therefore, based upon this very testimony, I must take the position that the teaching of co-called "Carnal Christianity" (again, not Christians who can act carnally) is shaky, weak, & Biblically unfounded. If you are truly justified (in right standing with God [positionally]), the Scriptures declare that you shall be truly sanctified (progressively set apart) & truly glorified (our ultimate redemption, to which we should look forward with eagerness). It has been rightly said that "I'm not what I want to be (sanctification); I'm not what I'm gonna be (glorification); but thank God I'm not what I used to be (justification)!"
Once again - to say that one can be justified & not sanctified is just not good theology. It is God who saves, God who preserves us, God who works through us, and God who will raise us up on that that glorious day . . . with that said – Glory to God in the highest!! All of us must think soberly on these truths in this day when our substance (not our style) seems to have more in common with the fluctuating ideas of pop-culture than it does with the principles of Christ.
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