As I bring this issue to a close, I’d like to plug a new book that should eventually find its way into the hands of every Believer. Allow me to preface this particular promotion by saying that the featured resources that I connect you to each month deserve your attention (even if you take just five minutes to click the provided link for a quick browse). It is an important objective of mine to provide you with needed access to Biblical, theologically-sound, intellectually-stimulating & clear-headed items (be they books, articles, ministry web-sites, etc.) amidst a growing sea of choices.
Ah, we have been truly impacted by our pluralistic society. Many of these choices are, unfortunately, a waste of your time due to their basis in teachings that have no firm root in the Scriptures (as studied in their context). Many times, not only are these items a waste of your limited time, but they are even dangerous to your development as a disciple of our Lord. In any event, my point is that I seek to do my very best in providing you with many quality resources that are worthy of your time and attention. Remember . . . promoting truth and exposing error wasn’t my idea – it’s the design & decree of our God. As such, I think we would do well to think on that truth rather soberly.
Alright . . . on to the referenced resource of the month!! In this issue, I have provided you with a link to a site covering Nancy Pearcey’s latest work – “Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from its Cultural Captivity.” Let me say a quick word about the author of this fine work – Nancy Pearcey (if you’d like to see a more exhaustive piece on Nancy, just check out the linked site and click on the “About the Author” tab). In the 1970’s, Pearcey traveled to Switzerland to embark on an in-depth exploration of the Biblical Worldview under the late Francis Schaeffer at L’Abri Fellowship – a profound Christian ministry with a focus on reaching out to intellectuals, skeptics, atheists, etc. Throughout the pages of “Total Truth,” Pearcey demonstrates the fruits of her days with Schaeffer. Moreover, the striking relevancy and incisiveness of the late Schaeffer’s thinking in our post-modern day occupies every page of this masterpiece.
You would do well to get your hands on this book. Furthermore, check out http://www.half.com/ or http://www.ebay.com/ for opportunities to purchase the various works of Francis Schaeffer, a God-given intellectual to the Body of Christ. I believe that you’ll find the works of Schaeffer shocking and stimulating, as they were written in a day which found itself less-saturated in relativistic thinking. In modern times, there seems to be as much relativism and postmodernism inside church walls as without. In the final analysis, bad thinking, whether explicitly secular or “baptized” in pop.-Christian lingo in a small group, must be exposed and eradicated.
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